In the last month I talked with my friends Charles and Felipe Santos about privacy information, follows:
Nice Charles! TOR and Tails is the best we have. In 2011, i watched this presentation in H2HC.
I did’t know riseup, but i think the problem is to big, because internet is a network inter-operable by physical infrastructure provide by governments, telecoms and hardware/software manufacturers. Google is a part of the problem and get out your power it’s good, but no sufficient for guarantee your privacy. Honestly, it’s very difficult.
By example with riseup PKI use and gandi use comodo and comodo is US company and you need entrust in all stakeholders, included telecoms and hardware manufactures, so, it’s very difficult. We need more open hardware/software and more transparency by telecoms. I recommended you create your PKI environment and stay your servers on safe location, provided by transparency telecoms, governments, companies and etc.
Resume: Internet is a network cooperable by all stakeholders and the privacy is a dream. Privacy its possible, but you need observe constraints.
I don’t know if you using OpenPGP, but is the first pass for email:
For the IM:
Other cool project:
I like this interview:
“Canal Livre debate espionagem norte-americana” - Vladimir Brito