Hi folks,
We started the MVC NodeJS Framework called GrãoJS. We are working hard to launch the first release at October 15, 2013.
GrãoJS work with:
- Micro-kernel architecture (graojs core)
- IoC - Inversion of Control (graojs core)
- DI - Dependency Injection (graojs core, angularjs)
- MVC - Model View Controller(graojs)
- Scaffolding (graojs generator)
- RAD - Rapid Application Developer(graojs builder, it’s a frontend for mongoose schemas and graojs generator, maybe we’ll utilize fabric.js)
- Authentication (nodejs passport)
- RBAC - Role Based Access Control (mongoose rbac, we’ll work to support activity based access control)
- RestFUL and engine of static and controllers routes (nodejs express)
- RIA - Rich Interface Application(angularjs, angular-ui, twitter bootstrap 3)
- ODM - Object Document Mapping(nodejs mongoose, we’ll work to support ORM)
- Template Engine (jade, but if you prefer others engines, it’s very simple support it)
- Internationalization (nodejs i18n)
GrãoJS team work on:
- FOSS - Free and Open Source Software (sure :))
- DIY - Do It Yourself
- DRY - Don’t Repeat Yourself
- KISS - Keep it Simple, Stupid
- GoF - Gang of Four
- XP - eXtreme Programming
- SCRUM - Agile manifest! Atelier alternatively to factories!
- Hakim Bey ideas (TAZ and Caos)
We work on collaborative enviroment and with autonomous people. We love freedom.
Fork, Join, Install and motivates us! Share and twitte it:
We would like see #graojs in #latinoware 2013 http://goo.gl/kn7dwO
Our communities:
h2hc-community it’s awesome!
nodejsgo in facebook
gojs in google groups
Thanks god! My family, wife and my amazing baby! My friends Sheldon Led, Rafael Goulart, Pedro Nasser, Ole Peter Smith, Daniel Lutz, Tulio Henrique Santos, Alfredo Carvalho, Felipe Santos, Augusto de Franco and Rodrigo Rubira Branco to support me and GrãoJS :).
We’ll see you at October 15, 2013! Pay attention! GrãoJS Comming Soon!
Best regards,
Marcelo Machado Fleury